
Descendants. In the past few years in Germany, children and grandchildren of former Nazi leaders, high-power SS and Gesta- po officers have spoken up about their ancestors. These descendants have conflicting feelings: on the one hand, they renounce the crimes committed by their fathers and grandfathers, but still feel love and respect for them. No documentary has focused on speaking to such descendants in Hungary as of yet. For the first time, we hear the stories of László Endre’s son and his two grandchildren. We learn how they feel about a relative who was secretary of foreign affairs in 1944 and one of the men responsible for rounding up Hungarian Jews into ghettos and then having them transported to concentration camps. László Endre’s son, Zsig- mond Endre, has a different view of his father than his own children do. The former devoted his whole life to clearing his father’s name of all charges, while the latter, the second generation, would rather forget and not speak about him at all. But no one can forget. The past lives on, no matter how much we try to push it away. And it continues to twist the blade even in the present. (Ormos Mária)

